Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dinner Time

Today I thought I'd show a picture of a meal I made today :D

I made a teriyaki pork noodle thing :D It actually tasted very good, and think I will do it some other time as well ^^

Also, Natalia drew me this during the croquis this evening ^^

Its kind of true what it says, since Artem always praised me for my inking techniques last year, yet now he changed his mind about them, so that makes me a sad Humphrey :(

Also, tomorrow there is a bachelor screening of all the films the students have made throughout the year. Thats going to be really cool ^^

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Phew, I'm tired today. Very danceable music today in morning dance, intensive (more so than usual) drawing in Artem's class, long discussion about passion, which Artem definitely had, ripping of his cast so that he could draw better during the lesson.

Then after that I took a walk to FOTEX but on the way met up with Sascha and we went to this cafe where she had a coupon, but the cafe had summer vacation apparently...

Then I went to my resumed weekly dinner with Anne and Hermann in the other building, and we watched A Matter of Loaf and Death as we ate an amazing pasta with a creamy salmon sauce with fried bacon, bread and parmesan, topped of with Straciatella ice cream for dessert. How am I going to top that next week? :O

Then after that it was Improv, which was fun. Lots of laughs and lots of movement and creativity everywhere, leading to fun ideas and performances. We even discussed about what we would like to do throughout the year, such as what games or activities we would prefer.

And then after THAT I had to do my homework, which was to outline the study we had done earlier on a new sheet of paper and then draw the skeleton inside it. It came out so so, and I am really tired right now, so I didn't scan anything of this in, so merely a textual post today. Will scan in some more later ^^

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Drawing Fun

Today we went over to Karston's place and drew a bit and had dinner on his new table :) Thats why I love this place, where else would that be something a group of people would do? :D And it was fun, below there are some drawings I did there. For dinner he made us a tomato soup that was exceptionally well made, tasting very good.

Class today was so so. He didn't like any of our homework, which shocked me, since I was always so good with ink :( Other than that, we worked more on the foot and with a new model, beginning a 6 hour study.

Then after the drawing at Karston's house we went to Alpha and watched an episode of Star Trek ^^ They liked it, so we will watch more some other time :D

Monday, January 25, 2010


Well, at the top here we have todays exercise, plaster foot that was very large, making one think it might have been modeled after Sasquatch. Either way, it was a so and so result according to Artem. Apparently painting too much, and the collision of forms at the top uses the same width of a line, when it should be different. Oh well, til next time!

Below here is the homework, an A3 acrylics paper with croquis drawn in ink with a nib pen. I got a lot of positive feedback about it, and hope Artem will think so too :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Portrait finish!

Finished today. Well, the time was used up, but I am actually pretty pleased with this :) At least in comparison the the one yesterday. 3 hours total on this one.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Homework Weekend

Homework this weekend. At 15:00 I and Mathilde were partners in drawing each others portraits. Heres the one of her, halfway done. We will spend another three hours tomorrow doing this.
Och här har du lille Lotta, en teckning till dig ^^ Jag märker att jag får öva på att rita hästar, men det ska gå bra ska du se :) Och så ska du få fina teckningar när jag kommer tillbaks :D

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Birthday!

No, not mine :P

Lotta my dear mother turned 22 this year :D For the 10th time in a row ^^

I wish her a very happy birthday, that she has an enjoyable evening, great dinner, nice presents and a fantastic memory of her birthday 2010 :D

Och nu på svenska min kära lilla mor :)

Du får ursäkta mig att jag glomde bort din födelsedag :( Allting hände väldigt fort, och kom inte på det förrän Kellie påminnde mig! Väldigt ledsen! Jag hoppas att du kan förlåta mig! Jag har inte någon present till dig än, men jag ska fixa till något snart :D Det lovar jag! Hoppas att du hade en bra födelsedag trots allt, och hoppas du har skoj med din nye laptop ^^ Väldigt sotis :P

Här nere har vi mitt senaste projekt, blev inte so bra, jag "målar" för mycket tydligen :(

Ska rita upp dig något fint sen ^^

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Deductive Reasoning

Was just in a little Sherlock Holmes mood today after having watched a Batman episode with him in it. A WIP colored version is below.

School today was the usual, we are focusing alot on portraits now, and really getting an understanding of composition, exercising constantly with placement and direction in relation to the dimensions of the format we are using.

Yoga in the morning, really cracked my bones there :p

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Intern Talk Today

Today after class there was an optional TAW Talk with some interns that had just gotten back to the school. It was really interesting hearing about how it was to work in a real studio, where they went, what productions they were part of. We also got to learn more about what it actually means to intern and the different experiences that may arise, some positive, some negative.

In class we were doing more exercises with Juan as a model, having him do turn arounds for us as we constructed his body with the middle line in contact.

And I drew a Batman drawing today ^^

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lost day

Sorry for the lack of post yesterday. It simply slipped my mind fully. Either way, not much to say except for that we drew some more yesterday, focusing on the upper body of our model. We didn't draw on good paper though, so nothing really to show. Instead, I thought I'd show you some doodles I've made in my sketch book :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

End of the first week

While the course started last week, this week was the first one to actually incorporate drawing. Today we had our next door teacher Mads Peter teach our class as well since Artem was recuperating after a surgery to his arm. We will see him next week as fit as ever :P

These two were my favorite drawings today, though the top one is kind of bad due to my scanner being to small to capture it all.

The second one Mads Peter praised me for.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

5 hour Croquis!

Well, was sketching Juan from the previous portraits for 5 hours today. Man I'm beat, and I know this naked man's body more than I care to know :P

My roomate Esben is leaving tomorrow, and since he is a Spawn fan I thought I'd give him this:
Best I could do on short notice, and hope he at least enjoys the fact that its Spawn.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today we did our usual exercises and worked on a Greek bust, sketching and modeling, before we got Juan to model again.

And my roomate is leaving soon, so he drew me this drawing below. Gotta draw him something too now :)

And after class I went to an Improv workshop and had some fun. They will have another in 2 weeks, hope they don't have any scheduling conflicts!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Portrait time!

I scanned in a drawing that I made today. A while ago I drew in this manner, but I think it looks pretty decent for first real drawing in a while.
He's a model from last year, he's really good. This won't get finished, otherwise I think I would have remade some portions and made some more finishing touches. But for a 3 hour study its not too bad. For homework we were drawing skulls, which got me in the mood for the Phantom :P

And oh, someone drew me while we were drawing the skulls :D It was given to me in silence, so I don't know who made it yet. I'll credit it later ^^

EDIT: It was Natalia who drew it :) Should have assumed since she was the one who gave it to me ^^

And I got my scanner to work! Found the cords. They were in a bag I had with me :P

Monday, January 11, 2010

First day of actual drawing!

I won't bother writing the date anymore since I just remembered how redundant it was seeing how Blogger stated it itself.

Today we actually drew some stuff, and it was quite enjoyable. Our teacher discussed the concept of a 3 dimensional form using the human head as a basis. Had I brought the chords for my scanner with me I would show you all examples, but seeing that I haven't, I'll have to scan them in school sometime instead.

We were drawing the frontal portion of the skull from our model for the day, drawing these shapes in 3 dimensions, delving behind what we couldn't see and back again.

For homework we are supposed to draw some 3 dimensional objects of simple shapes and create the planes through different tones. That should be fun :)

Thats all for today, images will begin to surface soon!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Days!

January 8th

Well, would you know it? Yesterday we were told to bring with us swimming wear. I wasn't really sure to what purpose, though I had my suspicions. And they frightened me...

Yes dear readers, I swam in the snow today. About 30 something young aspiring artists ran out into the sub zero temperatures to frolic in the frozen wasteland that is Viborg. But it was actually not so bad! Sure, I couldn't feel my feet for most of the day, but you really felt fresh after that, really revived and alive.

And so far I haven't gotten any cold :D No pictures though because it happened very quickly, and everyone joined in, so there wasn't a chance to take them. Some other time perhaps ^^

Now its the weekend, and I hooked up my TV and PS2, and am about to watch Star Trek :D Hope everyone else has a nice weekend!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blind Date

January 7th

Well, today was interesting. Today we paired up again with someone of the opposite sex and then that person had to guide us through Viborg while their partner had their eyes closed. I had my eyes closed so I was being guided first, and it was quite an experience. I have done this exercise before, but never in snow! So it was very difficult climbing around trying to not slip, but my partner was doing a good job. When I opened my eyes they had taken us to the lake, which was fully frozen, and it was beautiful!

Then I had to lead my partner back to school, which went well I guess. She arrived in one piece, that counts for something :)

Then dancing and meditating for the rest of the day. Then tonight there will be a dinner at the school pub. That will be fun ^^

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Anger Management

January 6th

Today we had it very similar to before, spending little time drawing (none in fact) and lots of time exploring our souls and such.

Specifically, after the dancing, we were told to get angry. We were partnered up with someone of the opposite sex and told that this person was our sworn enemy, that we hated them. Had to keep eye contact at all times, making angry eyes as we tried to make ourselves angry. Then, all of a sudden we had to release all that anger vocally, screaming! We did that two times, and the third time we had to say things in our native language, as well as imagining that the person in front of us was ourselves, and we had to get angry with ourselves, with our flaws.

It was a very surreal experience, but none the less worth it. I wonder how tomorrow will play out.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First and Second Day

This here will be my blog for the next half year or so, chronicling my days here at the Drawing Academy. Yesterday was the first day, but I got this idea first today. So either way, here we go, my digital online journal.

January 4th

First day, the usual things really. Everyone gets huddled into a room, most people are quiet, apprehensive about each other, while people who already know each other from before begin speaking amongst themselves. Cake was served alongside coffee and tee, and thus people's moods were lifted. There are now 6 Foreigners including myself (if you would call a Swede in Denmark a foreigner):
  • The girl from Spain (she was here last year as well)
  • Two Guys from Greece
  • A girl from Chile which is fun since I spent most of my childhood there
  • And a Venezuelan guy who has lived very long here in Denmark and thus speaks Danish fluently, so he's not as much of a foreigner as the rest of us.
It was mostly discussion amongst all of us, with surprisingly no introductions from us. That was saved for the next day. Other than that, not much to say, except for the field trip into town to get sketchbooks and spending the rest of the day doodling in our books.

January 5th

Today was exhausting! We spent most of today in a new building where we basically danced ourselves silly for the first few hours, really working up a sweat amongst each other before lunch, when we got a chance for a shower as well. We also got to take part of a disguised dating service, where everyone was grouped together in couples, and made exercises together. Not that I mind ^^. After that it was mostly yoga and meditation, where we tried drawing without looking at the paper but while trying to feel the aura of our partner. Was weird and I got mostly zombies out of it, but fun. Lots of talking about our mind and lots of zen speeches, but all in all a nice day, as long as we don't do it as much next week. In fact, I felt like I was a character from Fame at times today with all the dancing around :P Next week more drawing ^^

Oh, a side note, this week we sort of have a project to fill up a sketch book by Thursday. Will see how it goes, but should be fine.

Alright, happy hunting people :)

P.S. The name of the blog comes from something my teacher said last year about a someone's drawing. "What is this shit? Looks like a fly shitted all over the page!"